i am loving these bright tops! (going into the shop shortly.) i am especially loving the two crop tops with my super high-waisted vintage deadstock braxton jeans. i am maybe-too-much loving said jeans rolled and scrunched up with my new 60s wood-stacked heel oxfords (with fringe!).
i hereby announce uber-excitement for my upcoming transitional fall wardrobe. too bad i don't get to keep any of these tops.
more on this week's finds coming soon! they were so good, they need their own posts even!
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Love the second blouse!
ReplyDeleteok, you just gotta keep that black floral top!
ReplyDeletehow could you not?!
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ReplyDeletewhere can I find Braxton jeans?
ReplyDeleteBraxtons are from the early 80s. You might search eBay or etsy vintage shops for them. Sometimes I see them in thrift stores too. And remember they're vintage sizes, so if you're a modern 4, you'll be a 10 in these.